These are a couple of shots I got today at our City Park - nothing special. I'm ready for some nicer weather, so I'm not always shooting against gray skies! The first is a tower in one of the climb-through structures, converted to b&w in PSE 4. The second is of some monkey-bar type rings. I deleted the images off of my camera before I got the settings! I know they were in AV mode, ISO 400, 50mm lens. Thanks for looking.
Those are great shots... don't say they're nothing special. I'm especially loving the second one. I like the angle and I really like the DOF! Great job IMHO.
I like the these! It's not the typical playground shots. And I like the focus on the monkey bar rings.
Hope you have blue skies soon.
(sorry... ignore my typo above... I shouldn't try to comment & talk on the phone at the same time!) ;)
Really like the one of the monkey bar rings. They would look really cool in b&w.
Oooo, wonderful!! I love that second shot and it's DOF. Won't look at a playground the same way again.
I love them both! These are fantastic shots!!
I love these!! I have been thinking about getting some at the park too! I love the handle monkey bars!
What do you mean nothing special...these are awesome. Love the rings shot especially. Well done.
Nothing special?? I love the second photo of the rings - great DOF!
Beautiful park. Great shots and angles
I love the DOF on the second picture- so fun! And your contrast is great on the first pic. Nice work!
Love the compostion of the second shot! Just awesome!
Love the compostion of the second shot! Just awesome!
fun pics. great composition.
love these. The second one is especially fabulous.
Love the perspective and DOF on the second shot. Perfection!
These are great. really nice conversion on the first one. Love the repetition and the DOF in the second one. The subdued colours give a really nice (and unusual) feel to playground shots. Love them.
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