The changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns. This was an awesome process to watch.
The National Cathedral was absolutely my favorite place that we visited. It was so amazingly beautiful, that I just started crying when we went in. I had seen it on West Wing (yes, I'm a Wingnut!) in "Two Cathedrals" episode, and this was the one place that I didn't want to miss on our trip. My family was not as enthusiastic about it as I was, thinking it was just going to be "some church", until we walked in. My kids were in awe. If you ever visit D.C., you must put this on your list of things to see.
Who knows what any of the settings were for these! I didn't even look them up, I just wanted to get something posted! I've got to try to do better about posting. Let me know what you think! CC always welcome.