Last day of "Water"

This challenge was really difficult for me. I may have to revisit the water theme in the summer when we're going to the lake and pool, and slip n' sliding! Anyway, these are a couple of shots I sat up today. I didn't get exactly what I was looking for, but I'm somewhat happy with them. Settings were AV mode, f5.0, ss 1/1250, ISO 400. Lightened a little bit in PSE4. HHCC appreciated! Thanks for looking!


Jan said...

Beautiful! I love the top shot. Great job!

Tiffany said...

I never thought about this at all!!! wonderful idea. Great job!

barb said...

Very pretty!

Lee said...

What a pretty shot. Great idea.

I am glad to be done with the water also.. who knew it would be so hard??

Krissynae said...

beautiful shots. very cool idea. Great shots.

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