... of the light! You know the photography seminar "Captivated by the Light", well I'm Terrified of the Light! It's pretty much gotten to where unless I can be absolutely certain that I'm going to have a nice shady spot to shoot in, or it's an overcast, gray day, that I don't even get my camera out! I'm afraid my shots will be blown out, or the color will be washed out.... I REALLY need to get over this fear because I'm missing out on some great shots! I forced myself to go Sunday afternoon and walk the golf course with my son to get some pics in (shudder) FULL afternoon sun, and guess what - the world didn't end! (I'll post some of those pics later this week). And Saturday, I took some family portraits for a very nice couple and this cute little guy in a nice location with lots of safe shade, but I just happened to catch this one where the light was streaming in, and I kind of like it! I wouldn't want a whole session to look like this, but I think that the contrast isn't bad, even though he has EXTREMELY fair skin. Tell me what you think - CC is always welcome!