Okay, it's kind of a stretch for this week's theme...

But there is water in the picture! I haven't had a chance to try to take pictures with this week's "water" theme, so here's a shot that I took back in December, and one that I played with during the Orton frenzy! I know the water's a bit blown out, but let me know what you think. CC appreciated!


Lorrie said...

very sweet picture, but I would lighten the Orten effect just a bit so that the couple isn't quite as blurred! However, I think it's a fantastic picture, it's got a dreamy look to it!

Anonymous said...

Great photo! I love the colors here!

Hope said...

like the dreamy effect to the photo. They look like their in love.

Mom2Drew said...

Nope, not a stretch-there is definitely a water-siting! i like your effect on this photo, it adds to the mood. Only thing I would change would be lighten it a tad (of course I'm on a laptop so what do I know?)

Dar Kaso said...

Sweet and romantic shot. Love the Orten on it.

Tori said...

nice shot! I agree with the previous posters about lightening up the Orton effect just a bit....

Andrea said...

Can you do a "selective" Orton technique? I love it on the background, but not as much on the couple. This is a very sweet picture though, and I like how you framed the shot.

Amanda said...

I think it works! great job!

Krissynae said...

Very sweet photograph. Great job. Very soft looking

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