Archer County

I am really struggling with this week's theme! We just don't have any "pretty" bodies of water here in north Texas, and I haven't been home to set up any creative shots, so you just kind of take what you can get! I was on the road yesterday, and had my camera with me, and saw this little creek. It was the most water I saw all day! Of course, I was shooting from my car, so I didn't have time to change my settings, but it was AV mode, f4, ss 1/4000, ISO 400, 50mm lens. CC appreciated, thanks for looking!


Dar Kaso said...

I live in Virginia Beach and am surrounded by water but this city is so new it really has no "hometown" appeal, I struggled with last weeks theme. I so understand what your saying about lack of subject matter.

I think it's a nice capture.

Hope said...

I think you did a good job caputuring the feel of this creek. I'm struggling too.

Lorrie said...

I like the shot. The perspective is nice!

Krissynae said...

Very cool photo. Love it's look. Great eye.

barb said...

I think it is a great shot!!! Don't be too hard on yourself!

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