This. This is what I've been shooting lately. Nada. Zilch. Void. Zero. A big bunch of nuthin'.... Now, granted, this is the slow client season for me. I completely understand that no one wants their Senior or Family portrait made with dry, dead, yellow grass and a barren, leafless tree as the backdrop. Things should be perking up soon as trees bud out and the world becomes green again, so that's just a temporary thing. However, I should have been using this time to let my creative juices flow since I have no deadlines to meet. Yeah, creative juices - notsomuch....
It isn't because I haven't tried! I carried all my gear to a softball game yesterday, because I LOVE shooting softball and baseball, but it was so dang windy and dusty I hated to have my camera out. Dust works its way into crevices and dirt and cameras definitely don't mix. A couple of weeks ago I went on a manager's retreat to The Cliffs Resort at PK Lake, so I took my camera hoping to get some great shots of wildlife... I honestly didn't see very much - in the bar... So like the great Barry Manilow says, "I've been up, down, tryin' to get the feelin' again... All around, tryin' to get the feelin' again.... It seemed to disappear as fast as it came...."
But today - no more excuses! I'm headed down to Arlington for a couple of days to see my sister Clydean! (Shout out to our sister Denise, :( who wanted to go to but can't) She and I are going to explore DFW and see what kind of trouble we can get into, and hopefully shoot some great shots along the way! So come hell or high water, rain or shine, bar or no bar (okay, there will probably definitely be a bar at some point) I'll have some actual photographs to put in that blank space very soon!