#26 "Open and Shut"

First pic is #26 on the 26 Things Challenge - "Open and Shut". We get these little House Sparrows every year in the corner of our carport. We had a garage sale this weekend, and the little guys got pretty agitated from all of the commotion! Settings were Av mode, f/4.0, ss 1/80, ISO 400, 50mm lens, RAW, cropped in PSE 4.0. CC always welcome!


Jen said...


Mom2Drew said...

Wow...so great you were able to get a shot like this. Look at all those babies and the momma didn't come peck you on the head thankfully.

April Ziegler said...

How precious! I love the 2nd shot!!

~JustJulie~ said...

So CUTE! I love all the open mouths all at the same time in the second shot.

Heather said...

LOL... Thats funny:) Great take on this theme:)

Dar Kaso said...

Wow, how cool is that. Really like that second shot with all their mouths open. I bet they can get pretty noisy!

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