Today begins the official Riggins Family Birthday Month. Before this month is over, not only will we have celebrated Christmas and New Year's Eve, but also all 4 of our birthdays. To say it's a busy (and expensive!) month is an understatement!
The festivities kick off tomorrow with Becca on the 2nd, then Ryan on the 6th, Mike's is on the 10th, and I finish it off on the 21st. We celebrate in inverse order of our ages. Yes, I'm the oldest.... but for 11 glorious days Mike and I are the same age!
People often ask if we planned it. Um, no. Ryan's birthday just worked out that way, and Becca wasn't planned at all! Both of the kids' due dates were Thanksgiving Day, and they both stubbornly held off until December. When Ryan was born, after my due date passed, we thought it would be kind of cool if he was born in December like the both of us. I was thinking more like December 1st, but he waited 8 long days past his due date to show his sweet little face and conehead. Then with Becca, lots of people weighed in with "I hope she's late, it would be so awesome if she had a December birthday like the rest of you"... I, on the hand, being 32 years old and feeling 18 months pregnant, wanted my doctor to induce me on Halloween. My mantra was "get this dang baby out of me!!!"
So the four of us have suffered through trying to plan parties around holiday events, and gifts wrapped in Santa wrapping paper, but the truth is - it's the best time of year for birthdays! Who cares that we never get to have swimming parties or cookouts - we get to celebrate when all the halls are decked, and people have a smile on their faces and a Christmas carol in their hearts. Some have suggested that we celebrate our "half-birthdays" in the summer, but what would be special about that? We'll just keep on singing "Happy Birthday" amidst strains of "Jingle Bells" and baking birthday cakes alongside Christmas cookies!
Have a happy December! We will! :)
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