I'm afraid...

... of the light! You know the photography seminar "Captivated by the Light", well I'm Terrified of the Light! It's pretty much gotten to where unless I can be absolutely certain that I'm going to have a nice shady spot to shoot in, or it's an overcast, gray day, that I don't even get my camera out! I'm afraid my shots will be blown out, or the color will be washed out.... I REALLY need to get over this fear because I'm missing out on some great shots! I forced myself to go Sunday afternoon and walk the golf course with my son to get some pics in (shudder) FULL afternoon sun, and guess what - the world didn't end! (I'll post some of those pics later this week). And Saturday, I took some family portraits for a very nice couple and this cute little guy in a nice location with lots of safe shade, but I just happened to catch this one where the light was streaming in, and I kind of like it! I wouldn't want a whole session to look like this, but I think that the contrast isn't bad, even though he has EXTREMELY fair skin. Tell me what you think - CC is always welcome!


Becky said...

That seems to be a common phase so many go through as we learn more about photography. I think you're right that we just have to shoot anyway to capture the moments and not worry about how good they are sometimes.

Jess said...

Awww, step into the light! It's ok! LOL

I love this shot... the light kind of gives a spotlight effect on him! What a cutie! :)

Tricia said...

I so know what you mean. I like taking pics of things outside but afraid to take pics of people in the light.

Kim said...

I know what you mean, I did go and buy a flash, errrrrr...trying to learn light and using flash off camera outside without looking like flash. I was so impressed with a guys site I seen over on ILP I just have to get it down and as those at 2Peas keep saying practice, practice, practice. I do like the light on this.

Christiana said...

I like the light on this. I struggle with this, too. My youngest is super fair skinned, so I definitely know what you mean. I took tons of pictures at my mom's yesterday with him in them, most of them were completely blown, yet no light in his eyes...Hmpf! Glad you are getting out in the light, come teach me, lol.

LuckyMommy's Photography Blog said...

very nice photo and such a cute little guy. I live in Tucson where all there is , is harsh bright light, ALL THE TIME!! It is so tough!

Angela2932 said...

Light is GOOOOOD! And the lighting on this photo is wonderful! What a cutie!

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