To the man that:
Sticks his finger in my ear in one of the few decent pics of us together...
Is the best at doing stupid toothpick tricks...
Has been to the state fair EVERY single year of his life...
Rewashes loads of clothes that I just washed and haven't dried yet...
Spends a small fortune on fireworks every year...
Not only forgave, but married the strange girl who stole his beer, used it as microphone, then spilled it on him on that New Year's Eve long ago...
Loves his pickup more than he loves, well anything...
Is the only one that can hold our vicious chihuahua still during nail clipping...
Would eat chicken-fried steak, gravy and mashed potatoes every day if he could...
Likes for cats to lay on his feet while he naps to keep his toes warm...
Is so competitive that he would never even let the kids win at Candyland...
Loves Pittsburg Hot Links...
Suffered silently and with a smile on his face while his new wife learned to cook...
Knows that there hasn't been any good music recorded since the 80's...
Barely remembers the 80's...
Makes to-die-for chocolate milkshakes...
Wouldn't dream of letting someone else drive during a long roadtrip...
Is Table Monitor during any family card game...
And is the best dad/hubby any family ever had...
.... Happy Birthday!
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