Be careful what you wish for....

Remember last Christmas when the blizzard hit? I do.... and I remember how Mike was stuck on the side of the road in an ambulance for a couple of hours on Christmas Eve. And I remember how I couldn't get to the grocery store to even buy milk. And I remember how Ryan got stuck in my car in a snow drift and worked for more than an hour trying to get out and nearly froze to death. And I also remember how the snow got so heavy that our carport caved in! All of that was really terrible, but then I remember how excited I was to see all the white flakes, and how much fun it was to make Christmas goodies with Becca while watching it snow, and how beautiful it looked with the sun glistening on it Christmas morning, and when I think about those things, the not-so-great memories fade. Yes, I admit it... once again, I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.


Janna said...

I am dreaming of a White Christmas for both of us !!

Cindy- My Life HIS Story said...

Me, too, Lori!!!

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