So, I posted on my Facebook page a couple of days ago about a near tragedy at the Riggins house. It wasn't very funny at the time, but after a couple of days it's less upsetting! Still don't think it qualifies as "funny" but it is pretty much par for the course around this place! Let me set the scene....
Becca was browning some taco meat on the stove for nachos on Saturday, and I was overseeing the process while loading the dishwasher. Ryan came into the kitchen and started talking to me while I was working, so I was a little distracted. I finished the load, poured in the Cascade, shut the door and hit start. Checked on Becca, continued talking to Ryan, nothing out of the ordinary. Heard some clunking in the dishwasher, much like when there's tupperware on the bottom rack moving around, didn't think anything about it.
In a few minutes though, the three of us heard a terrible sound. It sounded sort of like the cats fighting (a noise we've become used to), but not really.... more like a wail. JJ was sitting in the kitchen entrance, and Big Cat was over at her food dish. Little Cat and the Littlest Cat were nowhere around. The three of us looked at each other, then looked at them, Becca said "I think that's JJ making that noise", and I knew it wasn't because I was closest to him. We looked around for the other cats, then I realized what it was: The Littlest Cat was in the dishwasher! She's nosey and I had already shooed her off the open door twice! I yelled, Mike came running, I jerked open the door, and there she was, trying to balance on the bottom rack.... looking quite literally like a drowned rat! Fearing that she was getting burned (because the dishwasher gets SO hot) I jerked her out, and she was drenched! Poor thing was so traumatized she didn't even hiss and run like a cat normally would, but just laid shaking in Mike's arms wrapped up in a towel..... You have to know when that water started spraying she was thinking "What.The.HELL!!!" Luckily, the water hadn't heated up yet, so the worst part was that she had soap in her eyes....
We dried her off and she fell asleep for the longest time on top of Becca - I think she must have been in shock and it wore her out! She was VERY fuzzy after she dried, and smelled really good! Next day, she was none the worse for wear, back to her old self and terrorizing Big Cat and Little Cat. The Littlest Cat is already not crazy about me for some reason, so she's got even more motivation to bite my ankles now! I'm betting that Big Cat and Little Cat probably dared her to get in there....
Anyway, there's my story for all the interested parties. I had a friend tell me after hearing it that we should post cameras around the house and do a reality show because this kind of chaos goes on ALL the time. I'm thinking that might not be such a far-fetched idea....
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