.... and nearly missed it. I can't believe tonight is the last regular season game for the Bearcats! It truly has flown by, as I'm sure the rest of Ryan's senior year will.
When I found out I was expecting with Ryan, I was scared to death of having a boy! I didn't have any brothers, and so little boys were a foreign species to me.... But once he was here, I learned how much fun they are. And nearly 18 years later, I don't just have 'a' boy, I have a whole pack of them! This group of senior boys is better known as "the Rat Pack". They're just.... special.... to all of us. As parents, we've fed them all, hauled them all around, cheered for them all, cried for them all, yelled at all of them, stepped over all of them asleep in our floors, and loved every single one.
Tonight these guys have an opportunity to do something really special - to go 10 and 0 in their regular season. We believe in you, Cats. You deserve it, so step out on that field tonight and make Bearcat history...
Oh my gosh. All those words ring so true! Love them all and can't even imagine how it will be next year when they are all scattered.
Lori, I know we have had our differences this year, but I hope that you know that I wish you guys only the best in the playoffs, last week was a really tough pill to swallow but I think we have moved on and will be better for it. We are ready to cheer the whole district to victory every week.
I wish you Good Luck and safe travels during the playoffs.
I don't think the boys know how much I love them all and just how much I love the parents who have loved Tylor, I really want this 10 and 0 and I am sooo! proud of them! Please know that I HAVE NO DOUBT and you all will be EVER in my heart!
I.Love.This......AND WISH SO MUCH I WAS THERE !!!!!!!!
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