You are my one true friend, always my one true friend
And I'll love you 'til life's end, as I love you tonight
I know this world that we live in can be hard now and then
And it will be again, many times we've been down
But still love has kept us together, the flame never dies
When I look in your eyes, the future I see
Wanting you years from now, and holding you years from now,
And loving you years from now, as I love you tonight
And I'll love you 'til life's end, as I love you tonight
I know this world that we live in can be hard now and then
And it will be again, many times we've been down
But still love has kept us together, the flame never dies
When I look in your eyes, the future I see
Wanting you years from now, and holding you years from now,
And loving you years from now, as I love you tonight
This song played at our wedding 20 years ago today, and it's all still true. We've been through a lot over the last 20 years. The first couple of years, it was just us and our sweet kitty, Isabelle. We'd spend Sunday mornings lying in bed reading the paper, going out and doing whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted.
Life changed in 1991. It wasn't just the two of us anymore. It was a big adjustment to have a new person there with us, but it was wonderful! Ryan brought a lot of happiness and excitement to our world, and we learned to be parents.
Then there was a very scary day in May of '93, an ambulance ride, and sitting in a hospital emergency room worried sick together, only to find out that we were extremely fortunate, and when our baby fell off that balcony, he truly "fell on angels' wings".
We couldn't get out of that apartment fast enough after that! We took the plunge and became home owners later that year. THAT was an experience. We'd go over when we were in contract, and just sit in the empty living room, dreaming about the day that it would finally be ours. After we moved in, life rocked along pretty peacefully for awhile... Felt like we were where we needed to be, things were as they should be...
Never start thinking that you know what's around the corner, because life will throw you a curve ball, and in 1996 it threw us one named Becca! But thank goodness it did, because what would we do without her! Leaving the hospital without taking her with us was the hardest thing we ever had to do, but when we brought her home from the NICU, she made our family complete.
After that, we knew we needed to make some changes, and moving to Henrietta was just the change we needed. It was good for me to come home, and you made it your home so easily. Small town life has been good to us, we have great friends, great kids, and a great life!
Our shared experiences over the last 20 years have really made us grow closer... We've been through band rehearsals, coaching sports teams, Christmas shopping, family vacations, two terrible days when we had to bury our dads, career changes, football games, dance recitals, mad days and sad days and glad days and all the days in between, and I'm so happy that I've shared them all with you... I don't know what's ahead, I know it's going to be a challenge to have a graduating senior this year with all that goes along with that, and top that off with a soon-to-be teenage girl... We may be going crazy by next year - but if I gotta go crazy, I want to go there with you!
Happy anniversary, honey. I love you.
Congratulations! This is a terriffic tribute to a wonderful marriage of two really great people. I am lucky to have you both as friends and I wish you all the best for many many more years to come!
That is too awesome....I even shed a tear for ya'll !! God Bless you EVERYONE !!
May God bless your marriage for MANY more years to come. This was a great post...love that pic!!
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