Nobody makes me _________ than you....

Laugh more.
More worried.

I could fill in the blank with SO many different things - you definitely inspire a lot of emotion in me!

Today's your 17th birthday. I can't believe one more year and you're 18 years old. I have lots of wishes for your 17th year - I hope they all come true. Mainly I hope that the upcoming year brings you happiness. The past year has had lots of ups and downs (mostly ups), hopefully next year will be all smooth sailing!

Happy birthday, Ryan!


Amy said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to your son! This is a wonderful shot! :)

Cindy- My Life HIS Story said...

I can't believe he is 17. Not possible!! He is such a good kid, Lori. You and Mike have done a wonderful job! Thanks for the picture comment...I still think I want you to do some for me sometime...your work is sooooo good!

~*DEB*~ said...

Lori, what a great looking young man you have there!! Happy Birthday to Ryan!! Wow, two birthdays in the same week!! HOW do you do it, I thought I was bad with two in a month!!!!

Lou said...

What a great looking guy. 17 is a special time - hang on to every moment, because they fly by all too quickly.

Reds said...

Such a sweet post!! Happy birthday to your boy!!

Frances said...

Lori, in all these years, I never knew your children's birthdays were so close together! Happy birthday to both Ryan and Becca! Great pictures! Are you ready to quit your day job yet??????????

pat said...

What a nice shot. Love the fill in the blank idea. Every mom can identify with that!!

Angela2932 said...

Happy birthday to this sweet, handsome guy! And they grow up way, way to fast!

Anonymous said...

So Lori, did you tell them that everyone in your family has December birthdays?? Crazy! Great picture of your crazy, funny, bright kid! Love him.

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